All That Smoke
All That Smoke
Ken Krantz (Sirius XM) headlines a real barn burner at The Scarlett Reserve with comedians Jess Alaimo, Mike Sicoli, Grady Pruitt (, Jay Nog (Gotham Comedy Live) and all that smoke.
Ken Krantz (Sirius XM) headlines a real barn burner at The Scarlett Reserve with comedians Jess Alaimo, Mike Sicoli, Grady Pruitt (, Jay Nog (Gotham Comedy Live) and all that smoke.
Kings of The Craft flips from a barber shop to a comedy club as John Moses (Gotham Comedy Live) hosts a barbershops’ quartet of of his hilarious friends Dino Vigo (HBO), Chris Clarke (Beat Bobby Flay), Dave Lester (Sirius XM) and Jason Andors (Showtime and Comedy Central). Bring Your Own Booze and get ready for a good time.
Aaron Berg guest hosts a night of hilarity at The Dublin House. Featuring Tyler Morrison, Mike Keegan and Chris Covert
John Moses and a special guest have traversed across the top two thirds of North America in search of fight stories of legend. From Pros to Average Joes, from UFC…
Ken Krantz and Chip Chantry sit down to talk with Brian O’Halloran from the cult classic Clerks to discuss some of the most wild and bizarre stories from music history.…
Bonnie McFarlane (Colbert, Fallon, Comedy Central and HBO) headlines a stellar line up at the Basie Center Cinemas. With comedians J-L Cauvin (Howard Stern), KC Arora (Sirius XM) and KP Burke (Escape From Jacksonville).